Search by Age, Income, Home Value & More. . .
Looking to reach certain households in Baker County, Georgia area? Goleads can help. We have a database of virtually every household in Baker County, Georgia area and in the US - over 120 Million Households nationally in our database - complete with all kinds of valuable information, such as home value, presence of children, household income, age of parent or occupant, length of residency and more.
The data is ideal for direct mail, email marketing, digital marketing, market research and more. All kinds of companies use our data for their marketing to help them find new customers. You can build a list of targeted prospects, or we can do it for you, so you get an idea as to your total market. Once we have your audience created, then we can talk about how best to leverage the names.
Our customers have the best results when they leverage their list multiple ways. And know this: our data is accurate. We verify the data using all types of processes, including using the USPS software to ensure the names and addresses you order are good. So call GoLeads today or complete the Contact Us form. Call us today at 402-334-1824.